The show stars Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller, a lawyer who works out of the back of a Lincoln Town Car. The 10-episode first season sees him taking cases across Los Angeles involving serious crimes such as murder, human trafficking and political bribery. The Lincoln Lawyer also stars Neve Campbell, Becki Newton, Jazz Raycole, Angus Sampson and Christopher Gorham.   The show is based on the 2008 novel The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly, and this Netflix series isn’t the first time it’s been adapted either. The book was turned into a feature film in 2011, also called The Lincoln Lawyer, which starred Matthew McConaughey as Haller. In a rare case, both the movie and this new television adaptation have been well received.  Netflix’s The Lincoln Lawyer currently scores 76% on Rotten Tomatoes (opens in new tab) with critics praising the show for its twisty narrative and compelling character, although its overly familiar tone has been criticized. It seems that viewers are in agreement as the show has earned a solid 79% audience score. It’s always pleasant to see a show being appreciated by both critics and viewers alike.  On social media, Netflix subscribers are giving the show a seriously enthusiastic reception as well. A quick search of Twitter will bring up plenty of posts praising The Lincoln Lawyer, and lots of viewers are already eagerly anticipating a second season (although, as of yet, the show hasn’t been officially renewed by Netflix). The casting of Mexican actor Garcia-Rulfo is drawing plenty of praise. Neve Campbell’s performance is also getting lots of attention, with some viewers convinced the 90s star hasn’t aged a day over the last few decades.  So, if you’re searching for something new to watch on Netflix this week, The Lincoln Lawyer definitely looks to be a solid choice. By most accounts, the show is highly bingeable so don’t be too surprised if you end up watching the entire series in just a matter of days. In the meantime, you might want to check out the new No. 1 movie on Netflix.

This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 54This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 75This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 65This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 75This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 80This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 6This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 15

title: “This New Netflix Show Just Rocketed To No 1 And Viewers Are Loving It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-10” author: “Mary Obrien”

The show stars Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller, a lawyer who works out of the back of a Lincoln Town Car. The 10-episode first season sees him taking cases across Los Angeles involving serious crimes such as murder, human trafficking and political bribery. The Lincoln Lawyer also stars Neve Campbell, Becki Newton, Jazz Raycole, Angus Sampson and Christopher Gorham.   The show is based on the 2008 novel The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly, and this Netflix series isn’t the first time it’s been adapted either. The book was turned into a feature film in 2011, also called The Lincoln Lawyer, which starred Matthew McConaughey as Haller. In a rare case, both the movie and this new television adaptation have been well received.  Netflix’s The Lincoln Lawyer currently scores 76% on Rotten Tomatoes (opens in new tab) with critics praising the show for its twisty narrative and compelling character, although its overly familiar tone has been criticized. It seems that viewers are in agreement as the show has earned a solid 79% audience score. It’s always pleasant to see a show being appreciated by both critics and viewers alike.  On social media, Netflix subscribers are giving the show a seriously enthusiastic reception as well. A quick search of Twitter will bring up plenty of posts praising The Lincoln Lawyer, and lots of viewers are already eagerly anticipating a second season (although, as of yet, the show hasn’t been officially renewed by Netflix). The casting of Mexican actor Garcia-Rulfo is drawing plenty of praise. Neve Campbell’s performance is also getting lots of attention, with some viewers convinced the 90s star hasn’t aged a day over the last few decades.  So, if you’re searching for something new to watch on Netflix this week, The Lincoln Lawyer definitely looks to be a solid choice. By most accounts, the show is highly bingeable so don’t be too surprised if you end up watching the entire series in just a matter of days. In the meantime, you might want to check out the new No. 1 movie on Netflix.

This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 10This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 76This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 45This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 20This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 45This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 15This new Netflix show just rocketed to No  1   and viewers are loving it - 60