It goes without saying, what works for Fraser definitely won’t work for everyone else, but this workout can be adapted to suit different fitness level. Simply select a lighter weight that still feels challenging by the final rep, but doesn’t compromise your form, or opt for no weights at all.  If you’re a complete beginner, it’s a good idea to ask a personal trainer to take a look at your form before adding weights to the exercise to ensure you’re moving correctly.  For the workout below, you’ll need some dumbbells and a resistance band. Still strength training from home? We’ve found the best adjustable dumbbells to up the intensity of your workouts, and the best resistance bands to buy. 

00:00 — 06:00 

This part of the workout requires you to do as many reps as possible (often written as AMRAP) for 6 minutes. Try to avoid resting between each exercise.  1:00 - Bike/Row/Run/Ski/Burpee For this part of the workout, use a cardio machine if you’re in the gym and have one nearby, or if you’re at home, just do as many burpees as possible for 1 minute.  10 Air Squats To do a bodyweight squat, start with your feet hip-width apart. To start the squat, bend your knees and hips as if you’re sitting on a chair that’s directly beneath you. As you squat down, push your knees outward so that they track directly over your middle toe. Here’s more on how to do a squat and get your form right.  5 Push Ups To do a push-up, start in a high plank position, with your weight underneath your shoulders and your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Straighten your arms and engage your abs, thinking about sucking your belly button into your spine. You should have a straight line from your heels to the crown of your head. Slowly, with control, bend your arms and lower your chest to the floor, pause, then raise back to your starting position. Here’s more on how to do a push-up, and the modifications to try.  5 V-Ups To do a V-up, start lying on your back, with your arms and legs outstretched. Raise both your arms and legs a few inches off the floor, as well as your head, neck, and torso. Engaging your core, lift your arms and legs off the ground, reaching your hands to your toes. Lower your arms and legs back down to your starting position, without letting them drop down to the floor.  10 Banded Tricep Extensions Secure a long looped resistance band above head height (try putting the band on a strong door hook) and then grab each side of the band with your palms facing each other, and your elbows by your sides. Straighten your elbows to bring your hands toward the floor without leaning your torso. Check out some other resistance band arm exercises here. 

6:00 — 7:00 REST

Use this minute to have a breather. 

7:00 — 15:00

This part of the workout is referred to as EMOM, which stands for Every Minute on the Minute. For the 8 minutes, do the following two exercises. The challenge is to complete the designated number of reps in 60 seconds, but don’t worry if you can’t.  20-24 Jumping Lunges Start by doing a forward lunge on one leg, lowering your front knee to the floor, then as quickly as possible, jump up and swap legs, then repeat the lunge on the opposite side. Keep jumping and swapping the leg you lunge on.  12 Alternating Dumbbell Curls  To do a dumbbell curl, start with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows tucked into your body and your palms facing forward, away from your body. Curl the weights up to shoulder height, contracting your biceps as you do so. Keep alternating which arm you use. 

15:00 —17:00 REST

Use these 2 minutes to rest — you have 28 minutes of hard work to come! 

17:00 — 45:00

For the last part of the workout, you’ll perform the following seven minute circuit four times through.  3:00: Row/Bike/Ski/Run Using an cardio machine of choice, row, bike, ski or run as far as possible in these 3 minutes. If you’re working out at home, run up and down the garden, run on the spot, or burpee, just don’t stop.  2:00 Max Goblet Squat Using the heaviest weight you can, do 2 minutes of goblet squats. Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell close to your chest, and your feet turned out slightly wider than they would in a normal squat, lower down into a slow and controlled deep squat, then drive up, keeping your weight in the heels of your feet.   1:00 Max Kettlebell Swings Again, use the heaviest kettlebell possible without compromising your form, and do 1 minute of kettlebell swings. To do a kettlebell swing, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a kettlebell in front of you. Bend your knees and grasp the kettlebell with two hands. Engaging your core, swing the kettlebell back between your legs; then, as you swing upward, engage your glutes and your abs, and keep your arms outstretched as the kettlebell goes up.  Aim to raise the kettlebell to chest height, with your arms outstretched. Squeeze your glutes and snap your hips at the top of the movement. Let the kettlebell fall back down naturally, and swing it between your legs again for your next rep. Here’s more on how to do a kettlebell swing.  Looking for more workout inspiration? We’ve found one of the best exercises to blast your core if you hate planks, the best exercises to try if you have lower back pain, and the best bicep exercises for building your arms.

title: “I Just Got This Workout From The Fittest Man On Earth Here S What To Do” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-22” author: “Marion Winkelman”

It goes without saying, what works for Fraser definitely won’t work for everyone else, but this workout can be adapted to suit different fitness level. Simply select a lighter weight that still feels challenging by the final rep, but doesn’t compromise your form, or opt for no weights at all.  If you’re a complete beginner, it’s a good idea to ask a personal trainer to take a look at your form before adding weights to the exercise to ensure you’re moving correctly.  For the workout below, you’ll need some dumbbells and a resistance band. Still strength training from home? We’ve found the best adjustable dumbbells to up the intensity of your workouts, and the best resistance bands to buy. 

00:00 — 06:00 

This part of the workout requires you to do as many reps as possible (often written as AMRAP) for 6 minutes. Try to avoid resting between each exercise.  1:00 - Bike/Row/Run/Ski/Burpee For this part of the workout, use a cardio machine if you’re in the gym and have one nearby, or if you’re at home, just do as many burpees as possible for 1 minute.  10 Air Squats To do a bodyweight squat, start with your feet hip-width apart. To start the squat, bend your knees and hips as if you’re sitting on a chair that’s directly beneath you. As you squat down, push your knees outward so that they track directly over your middle toe. Here’s more on how to do a squat and get your form right.  5 Push Ups To do a push-up, start in a high plank position, with your weight underneath your shoulders and your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Straighten your arms and engage your abs, thinking about sucking your belly button into your spine. You should have a straight line from your heels to the crown of your head. Slowly, with control, bend your arms and lower your chest to the floor, pause, then raise back to your starting position. Here’s more on how to do a push-up, and the modifications to try.  5 V-Ups To do a V-up, start lying on your back, with your arms and legs outstretched. Raise both your arms and legs a few inches off the floor, as well as your head, neck, and torso. Engaging your core, lift your arms and legs off the ground, reaching your hands to your toes. Lower your arms and legs back down to your starting position, without letting them drop down to the floor.  10 Banded Tricep Extensions Secure a long looped resistance band above head height (try putting the band on a strong door hook) and then grab each side of the band with your palms facing each other, and your elbows by your sides. Straighten your elbows to bring your hands toward the floor without leaning your torso. Check out some other resistance band arm exercises here. 

6:00 — 7:00 REST

Use this minute to have a breather. 

7:00 — 15:00

This part of the workout is referred to as EMOM, which stands for Every Minute on the Minute. For the 8 minutes, do the following two exercises. The challenge is to complete the designated number of reps in 60 seconds, but don’t worry if you can’t.  20-24 Jumping Lunges Start by doing a forward lunge on one leg, lowering your front knee to the floor, then as quickly as possible, jump up and swap legs, then repeat the lunge on the opposite side. Keep jumping and swapping the leg you lunge on.  12 Alternating Dumbbell Curls  To do a dumbbell curl, start with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows tucked into your body and your palms facing forward, away from your body. Curl the weights up to shoulder height, contracting your biceps as you do so. Keep alternating which arm you use. 

15:00 —17:00 REST

Use these 2 minutes to rest — you have 28 minutes of hard work to come! 

17:00 — 45:00

For the last part of the workout, you’ll perform the following seven minute circuit four times through.  3:00: Row/Bike/Ski/Run Using an cardio machine of choice, row, bike, ski or run as far as possible in these 3 minutes. If you’re working out at home, run up and down the garden, run on the spot, or burpee, just don’t stop.  2:00 Max Goblet Squat Using the heaviest weight you can, do 2 minutes of goblet squats. Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell close to your chest, and your feet turned out slightly wider than they would in a normal squat, lower down into a slow and controlled deep squat, then drive up, keeping your weight in the heels of your feet.   1:00 Max Kettlebell Swings Again, use the heaviest kettlebell possible without compromising your form, and do 1 minute of kettlebell swings. To do a kettlebell swing, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a kettlebell in front of you. Bend your knees and grasp the kettlebell with two hands. Engaging your core, swing the kettlebell back between your legs; then, as you swing upward, engage your glutes and your abs, and keep your arms outstretched as the kettlebell goes up.  Aim to raise the kettlebell to chest height, with your arms outstretched. Squeeze your glutes and snap your hips at the top of the movement. Let the kettlebell fall back down naturally, and swing it between your legs again for your next rep. Here’s more on how to do a kettlebell swing.  Looking for more workout inspiration? We’ve found one of the best exercises to blast your core if you hate planks, the best exercises to try if you have lower back pain, and the best bicep exercises for building your arms.